On April 2, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division published a temporary rule (available here) issuing regulations pursuant to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”). The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has also issued guidance (available here) regarding COVID-19 related tax credits available to employers who are required to provide paid leave under the FFCRA.
Much of the temporary rule repeats prior guidance published by the DOL, but there are a few new takeaways worth mentioning:
Temporary Rules Regarding the FFCRA
In addition to this information, an employer may request that an employee provide additional material needed for the employer to support a tax request for credits pursuant to the FFCRA. (§ 826.100).
IRS Guidance Regarding FFCRA Tax Credits
On the topic of tax credits, new guidance from the IRS informs us that in addition to the information employees must provide to their employers under the DOL’s temporary rule, for an eligible employer to substantiate eligibility for sick leave and FMLA childcare credits, the employer must also do the following:
_________________________________________________________ 1 This Section 826.100(d) discusses what documentation an employee who is acting as a caretaker must provide when seeking leave under Section 826.20(a)(1)(iii), which refers to leave an employee who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 must take in order to seek a medical diagnosis from a healthcare provider. We presume Section 826.100(d) intended to cite Section 826.20(a)(2)(iv), which addresses leave taken for caretaking purposes, and will be corrected when the final version of the rule is published. Section 826.100 does not address what documentation, if any, is required for leave taken when an employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and needs leave to seek a medical diagnosis under Section 826.20(a)(1)(iii). This is likely an oversight that will be corrected in subsequent guidance, and we anticipate that an employee will be required to provide the name of the health care provider from whom the employee sought a medical diagnosis. For now, however, the temporary rule does not require an employee to submit additional information when he or she is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and needs leave to seek a medical diagnosis.
(IRS FAQ No. 44).
The IRS also advises that for purposes of substantiating eligibility for FFCRA tax credits, an employer should create and maintain records that include the following information:
(IRS FAQ No. 45).
We encourage you to review the Department of Labor’s website at and the IRS’s website at for additional guidance regarding the FFCRA and other resources on preparing your workplace for the COVID-19 virus.
The foregoing legislative update is designed to be accurate and authoritative but is not intended to provide and should not be construed as providing legal advice or as creating any attorney-client relationship with the author or Parr Brown Gee & Loveless, P.C. For legal advice regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, you should consult with your legal counsel. – Author, Cheylynn Hayman